Saturday, June 30, 2012

石巻駅前 Ishinomaki Station

ishinomaki station entrance

萬画の国 いしのまき。


Land of Manga, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi, 50km northeast from Sendai City.

My image of Ishinomaki is city of fisheries,
Hasekura Tsunenaga, who visited Roma from the port in Ishinomaki City 400 years ago 
and his ship San Juan Bautista, which you can see in the city (although it's replica)
but it's also famous as renewing the city by Manga.

You can see many characters by Ishinomori Shotaro, a manga artist born in same Miyagi Prefecture, 
around the center of the city.

police office next to ishinomaki station
police ofiice by the Ishinomaki Station

kamen rider and ishinomaki city hall
Ishinomaki City Hall and Kamen Rider V3

characters on the mailbox
mailbox by the Station

seajetter kaito above
Seajetter Kaito on the clock by the Station


This station is also one of the place damaged by the big tsunami last year.

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